Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Goose Egg

This was the first week in the last nine where the scale read, “0 net change.”

At first I was kind of bummed. I did everything right. I stayed in my calorie range, I worked out every day, added some more strength training, ran another half marathon and…. 0.

To be honest though, I have never felt better. My clothes all fit; I can stay awake at work; my body is starting to become more defined.

I spoke with Mrs. Fuegote about it and she mentioned how much happier I am now then I was 6 weeks ago. I am happy to see my kids and play around with them. I do not just go home and sit and watch TV. It has been a fantastic change.

This whole experience has increased my testimony of the Word of Wisdom.


Eric said...

Excellent job Chris! Keep it up.
My last weigh-in I only lost one pound but I am still moving in the right direction so i m a happy camper.

Keep it up.

Hansen Family Six said...


You haven't blogged in a while. We are anxious to hear how things are going. After reading your blog, I was inspired to be more health conscious. I decided to stop eating junk food and instead replace it with 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. I also made the rule not to eat after 7:00pm and to also cut portion sizes. I am lifting weights and I go on long walks with the fam. I have lost about 6lbs and I am starting to see some definition to my body. Keep up the good work.
