Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Goose Egg

This was the first week in the last nine where the scale read, “0 net change.”

At first I was kind of bummed. I did everything right. I stayed in my calorie range, I worked out every day, added some more strength training, ran another half marathon and…. 0.

To be honest though, I have never felt better. My clothes all fit; I can stay awake at work; my body is starting to become more defined.

I spoke with Mrs. Fuegote about it and she mentioned how much happier I am now then I was 6 weeks ago. I am happy to see my kids and play around with them. I do not just go home and sit and watch TV. It has been a fantastic change.

This whole experience has increased my testimony of the Word of Wisdom.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"What plan are you following?"

I get this question a lot now that people can notice I actually have only 1 chin and, gasp, there's actually a neck.

"What plan are you following?"

I started this little journy of mine upon watching season 4 of "The Biggest Loser." I was hooked. I then signed up for "The Biggest Loser Club" and bought "The Biggest Loser Cook Book."

That is the diet portion of my weight loss. I've already discussed the other portion: my new addiction to running. I calculated that I've run 223.53 miles since Dec 1! I'm actually contemplating yet another treadmill half marathon this Saturday. I'll post it if I do.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

My up to date information

Weight Update

Lost another 4 lbs last week. Man I'm feeling great. Also completed a treadmill half marathon:

and my fastest 10k this morning:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Photos from before and now

Images on the left are the befores and the right hand side are the afters.

Progress report: 1-16-08

I have a secret. I have a bunch of new clothes and I did not have to spend 1 cent on purchasing them. No I did not buy them, I just opened my closet and found them just sitting there. They were collecting dust so I decided to start wearing them.

I have not been this excited or happy in quite some time.

Let me tell you what has been going on since my last post. That diet… excuse me, that lifestyle change I started in December, well, I am still following it. The Biggest Loser cookbook and plan are fantastic. I get hungry; I get cravings, but who doesn’t. I just haven’t succumbed to them.

I work out every morning. I run between 3-10 miles a day depending on the day of the week and I’m loving the Nike+ site and challenges.

Here are the one’s that I really enjoy:

You want an update? Here it is.
Weight: 236.2 (down 24.8 since December 1)
I’m not tired at all throughout the day.
I’m off caffeine and… here’s the best part…

I got home from work today and put on one of my soccer jerseys. This jersey used to fit pretty tight around the middle area and my arms were tight (just like all of my golf shirts). I put it on and my wife is absolutely amazed. The shirt is now baggy and the arms are loose.

I proceeded to try on all my clothes in my closet and it all fits: Pants, golf shirts, everything! Quite a great day!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Thursday, January 03, 2008

One month later…

It’s January 2008! Happy New Year!

Progress report: Since I started the Biggest Loser Plan back in December, I have gone from 260 pounds to 243 pounds (and during the Holiday Season as well!).

2 pair of slacks I have not worn yet are now in my wardrobe rotation. All my other pants are baggy. I can fit into the suit I have not worn for two years, I wore jeans for the first time in two years and a suit I have not worn for two years now fits.

Wow, what a difference a month makes.

Physically, I run about 5-7 miles per day. If you were to tell me last year I would be regularly running 5-7 miles per day I would have laughed until I fell over dead. This week I have a goal of running 42 miles. 42 miles! Amazing.

My diet is going well. I had bad days on Christmas and New Year’s Eve but lost weight during that week anyway. I get up at 4:00 am and enjoy the day. It feels good to be doing this well.