Wednesday, December 27, 2006

1.5 weeks later.

Well holy crap. I have actually gone to the gym every day since the first post. That has not happened since I wrestled in high school.

Minor adjustments I have made:
I'm now waking up around 4:25 so I can get to the gym and have the full hour. Crazy, crazy.

I cannot afford a $60/week trainer (come on man, that is $240/month). I did however find something very interesting. Over the loud speaker I heard an advertisement for PodFitness. I went to their site, signed up for their 10 day free trial and tried my first workout this morning. The cost per month is $19.95.

Creating the workout was simple. The only problem with creating the workout is that it will not use iTunes .m4p files because they are protected. You need to have them converted into .mp3. After that it is very easy.

The work out was tough. A lot of cardio, some cardio weight work. Just brutal. Not as brutal as my 20 minutes in the pool on Friday. I love to swim, but wow that was amazing.

Initial weight: 260. The heaviest I have... ever... been. I'm fat (phat).

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