Friday, August 26, 2005

24 hours later.

Last night some friends and myself got together to play some soccer. I could feel the soreness start in my upper thigh, you know the muscles that have atrophied due to lack of physical exertion.

I woke Friday morning and felt super. I didn’t have any soreness in my legs or anywhere else. I thought, “huh, maybe I’m in better shape than I thought.”

As the day progressed I could feel myself progressively getting sorer and sorer. My chest and ribs area started tightening up. My groin muscles were stiff and my legs were hard to lift. My foot, the foot I kick with, I wasn’t able to move that foot at all.

24 hours later I had a hard time coughing and moving because almost every muscle in my body was feeling some effect of the previous day’s activities.

Here’s to continued success.

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