Today is Day 1 of the RCB Fat Contest and in order to really get myself motivated for it, I need to post information and photos of myself in all my fat splendor.

I have a giant torso. My broad shoulders help me look thinner than I am. I am, however, a skinny 255 lbs and I'm 5'11" tall. According to the government, i'm overweight by 80 pounds. My goal is to get below the fat mendoza line of 200 lbs.

Those my friends are stretch marks, not to be confused with Stretch Armstrong. As you can see I have 5 of them on my right side. I have plenty on my left side and a lot around the leg region. I don't know why I didn't take this as a warning that my body's skin wasn't able to hold together while I was getting fatter.

To start out this morning I worked out on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I did a cardio training because I figure that my heart needs more of the work out right now before I can spread to the love to the rest of my body.
I set the speed for 4.0 miles/hour and the incline adjusted to my target heart rate. For me that target was 154 beats/min. As I started, the treadmill checked my pulse and inclined itself to 7%. I just about died seeing that and I knew a minute into it, as soon as I put my hands back on the sensors that was going to change.
It did. I had a great workout and hope to continue doing so every morning.
I'm also going to cut back on a lot of the crap I eat throughout the day. It's time to start thinking about living to 94 instead of 74. (why would I want to live that long anyway, I've seen 94 year olds, they don't have much fun). Okay, I want to be able to run around and not get winded. I want to play on a rec soccer team next year. I want to run a marathon with my wife. and most of all, I want those season tickets to RSL next year.
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