My training group met with our trainer last night and the result was me almost throwing up and not being able to walk up any stairs.
We started by doing some rope drills working on our footwork. If you hit the rope you had to do push ups. Luckily I only had to do two sets of push ups. I’ve got good feet. ;-).
Next we did some lunges. I felt my legs start to tear and the shaking and pain start to set in. We did side lunges after that. That was followed by some stretching and running exercises.
We ended by more footwork drills and throwing medicine balls against the wall.
I could barely drive home. My legs were shaking all night and any amount of movement by my wife caused me to wake up because of the shot of pain from the legs.
I can’t walk.
I struggle getting in and out of my chair right now.
I hurt.
It was worth it but I hurt.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Thursday Dec 15
Thursday Dec 15
Tonight we were weighed and we were measured (and we were found wanting…love that movie).
The bad news:
Waist: 46 inches
Worse news
Weight: 255 lbs
Okay news:
Neck: still 17 inches.
So I have a lot of work cut out for me. If I could get back to the 220’s by summer, I’ll be very VERY happy.
Tonight we were weighed and we were measured (and we were found wanting…love that movie).
The bad news:
Waist: 46 inches
Worse news
Weight: 255 lbs
Okay news:
Neck: still 17 inches.
So I have a lot of work cut out for me. If I could get back to the 220’s by summer, I’ll be very VERY happy.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Where did this come from?
I know where it comes from actually. The “it” is the absolute pain I am feeling in my arms right now.
I did not do anything special yesterday morning, just a couple of bench presses. The pain just goes to show how little I’ve used my chest and arms in the last year or two.
I can’t even grab my head it hurts so badly.
I did not do anything special yesterday morning, just a couple of bench presses. The pain just goes to show how little I’ve used my chest and arms in the last year or two.
I can’t even grab my head it hurts so badly.
Mission Accomplished
Mission Accomplished.
I got over the hurdle that usually hurts my work out progress. I worked out two days in a row. Shocker I know.
The only difficult part was I couldn’t move my arm because the joints in my arm are very tight. Also, I’m going to have some problems staying awake today and that never bodes well.
Plus I’m working to 10pm tonight followed by the midnight showing of King Kong afterward…. Mama!
I bring it upon myself.
I got over the hurdle that usually hurts my work out progress. I worked out two days in a row. Shocker I know.
The only difficult part was I couldn’t move my arm because the joints in my arm are very tight. Also, I’m going to have some problems staying awake today and that never bodes well.
Plus I’m working to 10pm tonight followed by the midnight showing of King Kong afterward…. Mama!
I bring it upon myself.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Day 2 dilemma
So I’m halfway through day 1 of waking up at 3:30 in the morning. I’m doing fine, I still have 10 hours left in my shift. That is quite intimidating and daunting.
I’m quickly getting to the hurdle that knocks me down every time I try and work out.
Morning Two I always find an excuse or a way to stay in bed and BAM, the diet’s over, working out is over and I’m 10 pounds heavier kicking myself for not working out.
Here’s to overcoming the first hurdle so I can make it to the second hurdle…the 3rd morning.
I’m quickly getting to the hurdle that knocks me down every time I try and work out.
Morning Two I always find an excuse or a way to stay in bed and BAM, the diet’s over, working out is over and I’m 10 pounds heavier kicking myself for not working out.
Here’s to overcoming the first hurdle so I can make it to the second hurdle…the 3rd morning.
Day 1: again
I started again today. New Day! New Diet.
Not that I was on a diet before.
Today I started working out. Some friends of mine and me got a rather inexpensive membership to Xcel Spa and Fitness.
My only hurdle is the tax season is now upon us and I’ll be at work 60 hours a week. When do I go to the gym?
Today I was up at 3:30 am and intend to follow that schedule and see how it goes.
The routine:
Treadmill: run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes repeated 7 times.
Chest: did some chest workout stuff.
I was amazed to see about 20 people there as early as myself. It will be nice to finally work out and shed some of this fat off. If you’re wondering, I’m just as fat as I was when I took those photos below.
Not that I was on a diet before.
Today I started working out. Some friends of mine and me got a rather inexpensive membership to Xcel Spa and Fitness.
My only hurdle is the tax season is now upon us and I’ll be at work 60 hours a week. When do I go to the gym?
Today I was up at 3:30 am and intend to follow that schedule and see how it goes.
The routine:
Treadmill: run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes repeated 7 times.
Chest: did some chest workout stuff.
I was amazed to see about 20 people there as early as myself. It will be nice to finally work out and shed some of this fat off. If you’re wondering, I’m just as fat as I was when I took those photos below.
Friday, September 02, 2005
9-1-05: the first day
Today was the first day of the diet.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 255 <- i'm fat.
Eating: A bowl of raisen bran. Homemade hambergers for dinner. 32 oz of water.
Exercise: soccer practice. We did these drills where my quads were really getting a workout. Today, I can't even walk up or down stairs. Yippeee.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 255 <- i'm fat.
Eating: A bowl of raisen bran. Homemade hambergers for dinner. 32 oz of water.
Exercise: soccer practice. We did these drills where my quads were really getting a workout. Today, I can't even walk up or down stairs. Yippeee.
Friday, August 26, 2005
24 hours later.
Last night some friends and myself got together to play some soccer. I could feel the soreness start in my upper thigh, you know the muscles that have atrophied due to lack of physical exertion.
I woke Friday morning and felt super. I didn’t have any soreness in my legs or anywhere else. I thought, “huh, maybe I’m in better shape than I thought.”
As the day progressed I could feel myself progressively getting sorer and sorer. My chest and ribs area started tightening up. My groin muscles were stiff and my legs were hard to lift. My foot, the foot I kick with, I wasn’t able to move that foot at all.
24 hours later I had a hard time coughing and moving because almost every muscle in my body was feeling some effect of the previous day’s activities.
Here’s to continued success.
I woke Friday morning and felt super. I didn’t have any soreness in my legs or anywhere else. I thought, “huh, maybe I’m in better shape than I thought.”
As the day progressed I could feel myself progressively getting sorer and sorer. My chest and ribs area started tightening up. My groin muscles were stiff and my legs were hard to lift. My foot, the foot I kick with, I wasn’t able to move that foot at all.
24 hours later I had a hard time coughing and moving because almost every muscle in my body was feeling some effect of the previous day’s activities.
Here’s to continued success.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Week 3
Feeling a lot better after weekend.
I didn't eat anything for breakfast.
For lunch I had two go-gurts and some lasagna.
Dinner was some chicken and salad, with a handful of peanuts.
I didn't eat anything for breakfast.
For lunch I had two go-gurts and some lasagna.
Dinner was some chicken and salad, with a handful of peanuts.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Week two…

Why is it whenever I start to work out I get sick? I either get a really bad chest cold or something. Fortunately I did eat healthy during the week, and did just fine.
Vacation = Diet Killer!
I probably gained weight last week. Damn vacation! OH CANADA, WHY IS YOUR FOOD SO FAT!
That being said, let’s talk about the vacation.
We arrived in Canada late on Friday night and got to bed by 1:00 AM Saturday morning. The next day we visited Mrs. fuegote’s grandparents. Her grandparents own a couple of cats and their lovely house was covered in cat hair. Well I’m allergic and this is the start of my phlegm woes of the trip.
My family went to the zoo right after and I’m happy to say we didn’t see any humping monkeys. The Calgary zoo is a far cry from SLC’s Hogle Zoo. The animals look like they’re enjoying themselves (they had a painting elephant).
Sunday = family reunion. I like to look at this day as the day I started watching the EPL. After the reunion we traveled up to Banff.
Monday was spent on the golf course. Banff Springs is a beautiful course designed like the British courses across the ocean. The bunker’s are deep, the rough is very rough. I shot a 135 and enjoyed every second of it. One of the guys we were teamed up with gave me a whole new perception on golf. He was a Swede and he always goes golfing with his friend. After a particular shot where he sliced it into the short rough, he turned to my brother-in-law and I, and with a smile on his face he said, “Yaa, I always do that.” He goes golfing just to enjoy the outdoors and hanging with his pal. Good learning experience for me. So I didn’t mind the 135.

Monday night was spent trying to get over a cold that had now crept into my chest. Thank heavens for mentholatum. That stuff is amazing.
Tuesday we spent at Silvertip.

That course is more American in it’s greens and style. The item that sets this course a part from other courses I’ve been on is every tee is overlooking the shot and every view from the green is a spectacular view of the mountains.
Wednesday was spent at Lake Louise and hiking around. We came home Thursday. Wonderful trip, wonderful family. I’m glad to be back so I can start losing weight again.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Eating Monday August 8, 2005
So after my work out I ate two eggs and a banana.
For lunch I had half a sandwhich and chips.
I drank 64 oz. of water
and finished my day with two tacos and grapes.
For lunch I had half a sandwhich and chips.
I drank 64 oz. of water
and finished my day with two tacos and grapes.
The RCB Fat Contest: Day One
**WARNING** Graphic Photos, may not be suitable for children!
Today is Day 1 of the RCB Fat Contest and in order to really get myself motivated for it, I need to post information and photos of myself in all my fat splendor.
This is a photo of my front. Notice my neck. Look how it looks like it blends into my shoulders and chest. That's a great indication of my fatness right there: The mighty double chin. Notice the lack of smile as well.
I have a giant torso. My broad shoulders help me look thinner than I am. I am, however, a skinny 255 lbs and I'm 5'11" tall. According to the government, i'm overweight by 80 pounds. My goal is to get below the fat mendoza line of 200 lbs.
This is a photo from the side. Notice that I'm on the verge of having man boobs and might need a "bro" in a couple of years. If you look closely on the side there you'll find a lot of these: 
Was it the group Chicago that said, "I gotta lot of love [handles] and I don't want to let go"? I think it was, but you can see that I do have a lot of love handles and I do want to let go!
To start out this morning I worked out on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I did a cardio training because I figure that my heart needs more of the work out right now before I can spread to the love to the rest of my body.
I set the speed for 4.0 miles/hour and the incline adjusted to my target heart rate. For me that target was 154 beats/min. As I started, the treadmill checked my pulse and inclined itself to 7%. I just about died seeing that and I knew a minute into it, as soon as I put my hands back on the sensors that was going to change.
It did. I had a great workout and hope to continue doing so every morning.
I'm also going to cut back on a lot of the crap I eat throughout the day. It's time to start thinking about living to 94 instead of 74. (why would I want to live that long anyway, I've seen 94 year olds, they don't have much fun). Okay, I want to be able to run around and not get winded. I want to play on a rec soccer team next year. I want to run a marathon with my wife. and most of all, I want those season tickets to RSL next year.
Today is Day 1 of the RCB Fat Contest and in order to really get myself motivated for it, I need to post information and photos of myself in all my fat splendor.

I have a giant torso. My broad shoulders help me look thinner than I am. I am, however, a skinny 255 lbs and I'm 5'11" tall. According to the government, i'm overweight by 80 pounds. My goal is to get below the fat mendoza line of 200 lbs.

Those my friends are stretch marks, not to be confused with Stretch Armstrong. As you can see I have 5 of them on my right side. I have plenty on my left side and a lot around the leg region. I don't know why I didn't take this as a warning that my body's skin wasn't able to hold together while I was getting fatter.

To start out this morning I worked out on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I did a cardio training because I figure that my heart needs more of the work out right now before I can spread to the love to the rest of my body.
I set the speed for 4.0 miles/hour and the incline adjusted to my target heart rate. For me that target was 154 beats/min. As I started, the treadmill checked my pulse and inclined itself to 7%. I just about died seeing that and I knew a minute into it, as soon as I put my hands back on the sensors that was going to change.
It did. I had a great workout and hope to continue doing so every morning.
I'm also going to cut back on a lot of the crap I eat throughout the day. It's time to start thinking about living to 94 instead of 74. (why would I want to live that long anyway, I've seen 94 year olds, they don't have much fun). Okay, I want to be able to run around and not get winded. I want to play on a rec soccer team next year. I want to run a marathon with my wife. and most of all, I want those season tickets to RSL next year.
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