Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Running Again!
I also got some new shoes:
I think that's why I started having IT Band issues to begin with. I ran over 600 miles on my last shoes (since Christmas) and I tend to wear down the shoe on the out sides of the soul. Makes sense.
The run was awesome. I decided to really push myself (light training.... ha!)
I ran 6 miles in 55'11" and it just felt great.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
back in the saddle again
I'm focused again and I'm back in the 218 range. I love being in the teens.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
IT Band
No it’s not the name of a new band full if IT guys. In fact I had no idea what it was until Saturday.
Last week my knee started hurting after my runs. I didn’t think anything of it because it was usually gone the next day. ON Saturday I did almost 16 miles outdoors. It was a lot of fun. My knee hurt at the start and I only had to take two “twosie” breaks while running. Here’s my route.
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I got home and then my knee started tightening up and I couldn’t walk very well the rest of the day. I had to sit in a confined area most of the day as well and that didn’t help. I described what I was feeling and my wife (who had this happen to her as well two years ago) informed me that it was my IT Band that was hurting.
Looking over the symptoms and the pain I’ve been feeling, she was right. This hit me very hard. I had to stop running (two weeks before my half marathon) and I had to stretch and ice the sucker every night.
Monday’s workout was the usual and then I learned I cannot do squats or any leg exercises either. So I’m now confined to do some swimming for my cardio and just upper body for my off days.
Tuesday is usually a 10 mile jog day and I had to say, “No.” I swam and tried the arm bike but I knew I wasn’t burning the calories that I usually do. Usually I burn at least 1600 calories on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. I was a little discouraged. Swimming for a half hour is only 500.
So I’ve been a little down today. Then I watched the second to last episode of the Biggest Loser and saw what these guys lost on their last week on campus. Good heavens! Not one lost less than 6% for the week. That’s amazing. I wasn’t pumped before but now I’m going to redouble my efforts and try and get to 200 by the end of May.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A New Low and that Stupid Bunny
I completed another treadmill half marathon on Saturday and after the run I reached a new low in my weight loss (which is a good thing because you want your weight to be lower).
I still cannot believe it. I have not seen a number that low since I went to Peru in 1999. The only problem is all my clothes that just started fitting, are no longer fitting. They are too baggy. I guess that is a good thing.
As far as Easter Eating, let me preface by going over some "food" holidays and the havoc it causes my sweet tooth. Halloween is great but it is usually hit or miss. A lot of miss but when you hit (mini candy bars, full sized candy bars, etc) it is fantastic. How to avoid problems: do not go "trick or treating" and set a bowl of candy on your porch and not answer the door. Easy.
Christmas is not a problem because usually the Christmas candy is pretty cheap. It seems like most of it is held over from one year to the next or companies realize the last thing people want is expensive candy. How to avoid problems: eat one piece and realize the rest is not worth it.
Valentine's Day candy is too sugary. This one is easy to avoid.
Then there is Easter. For some reason, Easter candy (minus the horrendous Peeps) is fantastic. A lot of great chocolate usually mixed with caramel or some other gooey substance. I love it. I tell you this because I lost the battle over Easter weekend. I have not lost the war. It was nice losing for once.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Catch Up and Runs
Things that have changed:
1. I have signed up for the Salt Lake Half marathon. The half marathon is April 19th and here’s a map of the run:
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2. I have officially retired from basketball after rolling my ankle yet again. I cannot be signing up for races and not be able to make them because of bad wheels. Here is a photo of my ankle a couple of days after:

3. My neighbor is running a race called the Wasatch Back. It is a 12 person, 179 mile relay race from Logan to Park City. One of his 12 teammates had to back out and he invited me to join the team. It looks pretty heinous but I am really looking forward to it.
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4. 219! I am not losing a lot of lbs but I am losing a lot of inches. It is wonderful.
5. The RSL Fun Run. Some RSL fans and I are virtually running to every MLS stadium on the continent.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Breaking a Barrier
This morning I wanted to see if I could do it again… Yup, I can.
I weighed myself and for the first time I can say I've lost more than 40 lbs. The scale read, "220." 220! I have now lost 41 pounds.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
2-21-08 Update: Inspiration
I’ve got to continue being the inspiration that I am becoming. Next stop: running for President and having people pass out while talking about change and hope but not discussing any policies to get there.
As of Monday, February 18, I was 225. I have lost 36 lbs since December 1st. I want you to consider how much weight that is. If any of you have a water softener that requires salt, next time you buy one of those bags of salt, just remember you are now carrying the weight I have lost.
I consider that a huge accomplishment. Only one more bag of salt to go.
The workout intensity has only increased. I started including gym sprint triathlons into my routine. They are brutal. I run between 25 to 30 miles a week at 10 minute miles. Looking in the mirror, I now am seeing the man that married my wife and even now I look better than I did then.
I will add the photos next week. My wife has really enjoyed going shopping for me because she is buying me these dress shirts that are a little more “metro sexual” as in form fitting. I had one last year that looked like the buttons were about to burst when I wore it. Now it, and the other shirts look great.
My co-worker has lost about 20 lbs since he started losing weight (he is a walking fool right now). My cousin has lost 6lbs. My brother just joined a gym and my brother-in-law is now getting motivated to work out as well. I will not say I am behind it or I am the main inspiration. That would be complete lunacy.
I will say it was a little easier to start living a better life knowing my wife was already doing it in her life. If doing what I am doing can make it easier for someone else to start, so be it. I cannot wait to see their results as well.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Goose Egg
At first I was kind of bummed. I did everything right. I stayed in my calorie range, I worked out every day, added some more strength training, ran another half marathon and…. 0.
To be honest though, I have never felt better. My clothes all fit; I can stay awake at work; my body is starting to become more defined.
I spoke with Mrs. Fuegote about it and she mentioned how much happier I am now then I was 6 weeks ago. I am happy to see my kids and play around with them. I do not just go home and sit and watch TV. It has been a fantastic change.
This whole experience has increased my testimony of the Word of Wisdom.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
"What plan are you following?"
"What plan are you following?"
I started this little journy of mine upon watching season 4 of "The Biggest Loser." I was hooked. I then signed up for "The Biggest Loser Club" and bought "The Biggest Loser Cook Book."
That is the diet portion of my weight loss. I've already discussed the other portion: my new addiction to running. I calculated that I've run 223.53 miles since Dec 1! I'm actually contemplating yet another treadmill half marathon this Saturday. I'll post it if I do.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Weight Update
and my fastest 10k this morning:
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Progress report: 1-16-08
I have not been this excited or happy in quite some time.
Let me tell you what has been going on since my last post. That diet… excuse me, that lifestyle change I started in December, well, I am still following it. The Biggest Loser cookbook and plan are fantastic. I get hungry; I get cravings, but who doesn’t. I just haven’t succumbed to them.
I work out every morning. I run between 3-10 miles a day depending on the day of the week and I’m loving the Nike+ site and challenges.
Here are the one’s that I really enjoy:
You want an update? Here it is.
Weight: 236.2 (down 24.8 since December 1)
I’m not tired at all throughout the day.
I’m off caffeine and… here’s the best part…
I got home from work today and put on one of my soccer jerseys. This jersey used to fit pretty tight around the middle area and my arms were tight (just like all of my golf shirts). I put it on and my wife is absolutely amazed. The shirt is now baggy and the arms are loose.
I proceeded to try on all my clothes in my closet and it all fits: Pants, golf shirts, everything! Quite a great day!
Friday, January 04, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
One month later…
Progress report: Since I started the Biggest Loser Plan back in December, I have gone from 260 pounds to 243 pounds (and during the Holiday Season as well!).
2 pair of slacks I have not worn yet are now in my wardrobe rotation. All my other pants are baggy. I can fit into the suit I have not worn for two years, I wore jeans for the first time in two years and a suit I have not worn for two years now fits.
Wow, what a difference a month makes.
Physically, I run about 5-7 miles per day. If you were to tell me last year I would be regularly running 5-7 miles per day I would have laughed until I fell over dead. This week I have a goal of running 42 miles. 42 miles! Amazing.
My diet is going well. I had bad days on Christmas and New Year’s Eve but lost weight during that week anyway. I get up at 4:00 am and enjoy the day. It feels good to be doing this well.